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Emre Sermutlu
Sıralamayı göre yap

0 - 201145

A Collection of Problems on: Calculus 2,
Emre Sermutlu

Emre Sermutlu graduated from Middle East Technical University Physics and Mathematics (Double Major) programs and then finished his Ph.D. in Bilkent Mathematics department. He has several decades of experience in teaching mathematics and physics to science and engineering students in Çankaya University.

This book is written with the student in mind, not a professional mathematician. A calculus student needs to solve a variety of problems to gain competency, yet usually, do not know where and how to begin.

The material in each chapter can (and should) be finished in one week. There is a sufficient number of problems with solutions. The explanations are as short as possible, but not shorter. The exercises are ordered from easy to difficult. While the number of questions is not very large, almost every trick of the trade is covered by one of them.

Eğitim; 315 sayfa, 2. hamur , ISBN: 9786052965788
Etiket 36,00 TL, ciniusyayinlari.com'da 21,60 TL (%40 indirim 14,40 TL)

0 - 201943

A Collection of Problems on: Linear Algebra,
Emre Sermutlu

Emre Sermutlu graduated from Middle East Technical University Physics and Mathematics (Double Major) programs and then finished his Ph.D. in Bilkent Mathematics Department. He has several decades of experience in teaching mathematics and physics to science and engineering students in Çankaya University.

The emphasis on this book is on the methods and techniques of Linear Algebra, as well as very few number of fundamental ideas and the relationships among them.

In my experience, learning by actually doing is the best way. You can't learn by watching someone else doing it

The material in each chapter can (and should) be finished in one week. There is a sufficient number of problems with solutions. The explanations are as short as possible, but not shorter. The exercises are ordered from easy to difficult. While the number of questions is not very large, almost every trick of the trade is covered by one of them. ...

Eğitim; 256 sayfa, 2. hamur , ISBN: 9786057883193
Etiket 36,00 TL, ciniusyayinlari.com'da 21,60 TL (%40 indirim 14,40 TL)

Bize ulaşmak için: (212) 528 33 14

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