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Ngu Elvis
Sıralamayı göre yap

0 - 199969

Why the Underdeveloped Remain Underdeveloped ,
Ngu Elvis
"Stop chasing shadows"

Elvis Ngu’s Why the Underdeveloped Remain Underdeveloped is an inspirational and a developmental book, which sets out to emancipate and reawaken the minds of people and states to the consciousness and cautiousness of issues that withhold their progress. It embodies some bitter truths, mind catching poems, life transforming stories, eye opening historical facts and fantastic ideas which erase ignorance and trigger the thoughts of its readers. Its author believes that the advancement of a person or a society becomes a myth when there is no positive change in the mentality.


Kişisel Gelişim; 186 sayfa, 2. hamur , ISBN: 9786053232711
Etiket 24,00 TL, ciniusyayinlari.com'da 14,40 TL (%40 indirim 9,60 TL)

Bize ulaşmak için: (212) 528 33 14

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