Cinius Yayınları

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Çağdaş Türk Yazarları
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Eğitim / Dil

Frederic Will
Sıralamayı göre yap

-18 - 188608

History of Ancient Greek Literature Study Guide,
Frederic Will

History of Ancient Greek Literature explores the major forms of ancient Roman literature: epic, history, drama, satire, lyric, philosophy. We will profile some of the key issues and authors of each period, characterize the period as a whole, and sprinkle enlivening quotes through the whole. Each period/section opens with an overview which places the events of the period in their cultural and historical context....

Çağdaş Türk Yazarları Dizisi; 0 sayfa, 2. hamur , ISBN: 9786051277837
Baskısı Yok

Bize ulaşmak için: (212) 528 33 14

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