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Imagine Being Lucky
Zeynep Kocasinan
Cinius Yayınları / Kişisel Gelişim

You do not have to learn anything. You do not have to do anything. You do not have. You may choose to. Stories are not life itself. Words are not either. Words are not the path. Yet, there are clues that come with words. Tips and experiences. There are ideas that come with words. You have choices that your life offers only to you. All of our lives are unique. So why read about someone else? What does Zeynep Kocasinan have to offer you? The author of "Is It Written in the Stars?" and four other books in Turkish is truthful and honest to her heart as she shares her real experiences with staying on the path of the soul. She talks about life, personal development, growth, healing, change and coincidences. Sharing openly what she believes in and uses. Are you up for this new journey of the heart, the mind and the soul?

Etiket 20,00 TL | %5 indirim 1,00 TL | Cinius Kitap'ta 19,00 TL

Sayfa: 314
Hamur: 2. hamur
ISBN: 978-605-127-010-4
Boyut: 12,5x19,5cm
Baskı Tarihi: Mart 2010
Özgün Dili: Türkçe

Tel: (212) 528 3314 | (532) 741 4148 | (216) 550 5078

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